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Verasa Max Pro
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Pistol Slide Customization
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Section 1 : Name & Address Info
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Street Address
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Postal Code
Date of Birth
Serial Number
Please input the serial number of your firearm and/or slide.
Section 2 : Available Optics Cuts
We offer a range of optic cuts for different pistols. Please select the optic cut you would like for your specific application.
Please note these are the only cuts that we do at the moment. We will be adding more makes and models in the future.
Optic Cut Price
GLOCK Standard Slides
Standard GLOCK slides refer to the following models: G17, G19(x), G22, G23, G26, G27, G34, G35, etc.
Trijicon RMR - In front of rear dovetail
Trijicon RMR - Over existing dovetail
Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) ahead rear dovetail
Aimpoint ACRO - In front of Rear Dovetail
Aimpoint ACRO - Over existing dovetail
Leupold DeltaPoint Pro (over existing dovetail)
Leupold DeltaPoint Pro with integral rear backup sight
Bushnell RXS-250 (DPP Clone) over existing dovetail
Holosun 407K/507K
Vortex Venom (over existing dovetail)
Vortex Defender CCW ahead rear dovetail
Vortex Viper ahead rear dovetail
Vortex Viper (over existing dovetail)
Holosun HE509T ahead rear dovetail
Holosun HE509T with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
Shield RMS/RMSc ahead rear dovetail
GLOCK Large Slides
Large GLOCK slides refer to the following models: G20, G21,etc.
RMR ahead rear dovetail
RMR flush rear (over existing dovetail)
Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) ahead rear dovetail
Vortex Venom ahead rear dovetail
Vortex Defender CCW ahead rear dovetail
GLOCK 48 Slides
The G48 has a narrow slide and can only accommodate the following optic cuts.
Glock 48 - RMSc Shield
Glock 48 - Holosun 407K/507K
Glock 48 - Trijicon RMRcc flush rear (over existing dovetail)
Glock 48 - Vortex Defender CCW ahead rear dovetail
Glock 48 - Aimpoint ACRO (over existing rear dovetail)
CZ P10 Slides
The following optic cuts are only available on CZ P10C, P10S & P10F slides. Due to the P10 slide, all optic cuts will mount over the factory rear sight. We can machine a GLOCK rear dovetail in front of your optic. The option is below.
CZ P10 - RMR with space for GLOCK dovetail behind optic
CZ P10 - RMR with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
CZ P10 - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) with space for GLOCK dovetail behind optic
CZ P10 - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
CZ P10 - Vortex Defender CCW ahead rear dovetail
CZ P10 - Vortex Venom with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
CZ P10 - Holosun HE509T with space for GLOCK dovetail behind optic
CZ P10 - Holosun HE509T with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
CZ P07/P09 Slides
The following optic cuts are only available on CZ P07, P09 slides. Due to the P09 slide, all optic cuts will mount over the factory rear sight. We can machine a GLOCK rear dovetail in front of your optic. The option is below.
CZ P07/P09 - RMR with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
CZ P07/P09 - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) with space for GLOCK dovetail ahead of optic
CZ Shadow 2
The following optic cuts are only available on CZ Shadow 2 slide. Due to the design of the Shadow 2 slide, the optic cut pocket will delete the rear OEM dovetail.
CZ Shadow 2 - RMR
CZ Shadow 2 - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2)
CZ Shadow 2 - Vortex Defender CCW
Smith & Wesson M&P Slides
The following optic cuts are available for the M&P slide. Note: Due to the M&P slide, all optic cuts will mount over the factory rear sight. We can machine a GLOCK rear dovetail in front of your optic. The option is below.
M&P - RMR with space for Glock dovetail ahead of optic
M&P - RMR with space for Glock dovetail behind optic
M&P - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) (over existing dovetail)
M&P - DeltaPoint Pro (over existing dovetail)
M&P - Vortex Venom (over existing dovetail)
M&P - Vortex Viper (over existing dovetail)
HK SFP9 Slides
The following optic cuts are available for the HKSFP9 slide.
SFP9 - RMR ahead of rear sight
SFP9 - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) ahead of rear dovetail
Sig P320 Slides
The following optic cuts are available for the P320 slide. Please Note: Certain Sig slides cannot be cut do to lightening slots in the bottom of the slides. Please contact us if you require clarification if we can cut your slide.
P320 - RMR ahead of rear sight
P320 - Holosun 507C/407C/508T (V1/V2/X2) ahead of rear sight
P320 - Leupold DeltaPoint Pro (over existing dovetail)
Rear Dovetail Relocation
Due to the size of some optics cuts they are required to be mounted over the existing factory rear dovetail. If you would like to have Backup Iron Sights (BUIS) we can machine your slide to have a GLOCK iron sight dovetail in front of your red dot optic (RDS).
Yes, add a GLOCK dovetail ahead/behind my optic
No, I don't want a GLOCK dovetail ahead of my optic
Suppressor Height Iron Sights - GLOCK Only
We can supply suppressor height iron sights for your GLOCK slide.
Ameriglo - XL Tall Black serrated .315 FRONT, Flat Black .394 REAR (SKU GL-429)
Ameriglo - XL Tall Flat Black .394 Rear Only
Cerakote Slide Refinish
Please specify if you would like us to Cerakote your slide after it has been machined. Please note: If you do not choose to refinish your slide it will be left as a raw steel. If you choose not to have your slide refinished Tactical Ordnance Inc. is not responsible for any rust development or corrosion that may occur.
Yes, Cerakote my slide (single colour)
No, I don't want my slide coated
Cerakote Colour Selection
Please select what colour you would like your slide painted.
Please Select a Colour.
H-146 Graphite Black
H-112 Cobalt
H-157 Bright Nickel
H-167 USMC Red
H-189 Noveske Bazooka Green
H-214 Smith & Wesson Grey
H-217 Bright Purple
H-234 Sniper Grey
H-268 Troy Coyote Tan (Best match for GLOCK 19X)
H-235 Coyote Tan
H-236 O.D. Green
H-265 Flat Dark Earth
H-267 Magpul Flat Dark Earth
H-294 Midnight Bronze
Total $
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